Is this you?
You’re trying to connect securely to many diverse systems, transform data into needed formats, and make it more useful and accessible to those who deliver care.
You’ve already built your infrastructure, but you face pressure to integrate additional information and support new formats for accessing the information.
You’re looking for ways to increase the quality of information coming into the HIE and expand the flexibility for distributing information out of the HIE.
You're interested in technology that enables capabilities like Public Health reporting, access to POLST information, and Emergency Department visit reporting.
You want to be proactive to address future market demands, but you also need to address present-day technology realities.
You're wondering if there is an affordable option you can offer to organizations in your community to help them share health and social determination of health (SDOH) information in a standard, secure and scalable way.
You’ve seen the new requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act that require patient access to records and prohibit information blocking.
You have seen HIE’s struggle to establish viable revenue models and new services that leverage the health information exchange asset you’ve built for your community.
We can help!
MaxMD Direct Secure Messaging is an affordable, scalable transport layer that allows authenticated, encrypted health information so that you can exchange between known and trusted recipients, regardless of the originating application, system or platform. Direct Secure Messaging meets government incentives while also improving patient care and outcomes through better care coordination and information sharing.
Clinical Gateway helps you use clinical information collected at the point-of-care so that you can minimize burden on staff, enhance productivity, assess the quality and value of healthcare services, fulfill quality reporting requirements, promote research, and inform best practices. The system controls and manages exchange and reuse of clinical health information.
Clinical Information Exchange web app is a full-featured clinical message integration hub that converts outgoing and incoming information into the organization's preferred data format that is more valuable and useful. It supports subscription services, so you can empower care providers and community-based organization that provide support services to respond automatically to notification subscriptions and data requests needed to support information exchange in your community. It provides a centralized dashboard to transparently view and efficiently control digital information exchange coming in and going out of any organization, no matter what level of technical capabilities the connecting organization may have.
The MaxMD app shares information bidirectionally with patients so that you can engage them in their care, improving health outcomes with features such medication reminders, structured surveys, and educational instructions.
Consumer Direct Addresses enable patients and caregivers to securely communicate with care providers using Direct Secure Messaging. The standard identity proofing process can be performed via a convenient on-line process.