Third Party App FHIR™ API Testing


  • Confirm your readiness for the new app economy
  • Test your members' experience accessing the data you've supplied through your patient access API
  • Receive independent feedback on API functionality
  • Reduce the risk of unexpected interoperability challenges with TPA access
  • Support your journey toward 21st Century Cures Act compliance

MaxMD provides third party app (TPA) testing for organizations implementing standard HL7 FHIR™ APIs in support of 21st Century Cures Act compliance. Our testing helps you gain valuable feedback regarding how well your API supports data access by a TPA like our MaxMD app.

We provide a range of testing plans to fit your needs.

Enterprise plan enables you to align testing with your development schedule and includes profile specific validation, a comprehensive analysis of the information exchanged for human rendering compared to the discrete data supplied for machine processing, and load and capacity testing based on server-side capabilities. The Enterprise package also includes access to a private testing environment with relevant test scripts, engineering support to run and understand produced test results, and two (2) user licenses for a beta version of the MaxMD app to support product demonstrations of your Server APIs.

Business plan provides a formal test scheduling and includes detailed conformance testing of FHIR base resources.

Professional plan offers general insight into basic conformance features for your API. Professional Plan testing is free and scheduled on an as-possible basis.

Connectivity and Authentication Testing

Confirm your system supports the expected access and launch framework specified by the HL7 SMART Application Launch Framework Implementation Guide.

FHIR™ Query Testing

Confirm your system supports the information retrieval and searching mechanisms specific for a particular implementation guide.

Rendering Validation

Validate that the data supplied by your organization can be completely and consistent rendered in a format that is established by your organization to meet your requirements for sharing health information with patients.

Payload Testing

Validate that resources retrieve from your system are valid against the requirements of the implementation guide you support.

Load & Capacity Testing

Test how your system performed with high transaction volumes and large payload file sizes.